Monthly Archives: June 2010

Lists, lists and more lists

Just three days until Summer Project begins (for me).  I’m driving to Dallas for briefing on Friday, so packing must get done!  Although I feel crazy, it’s nice to be getting ready for something.  I’m so excited to meet our students.

I’m getting my haircut today and hopefully making my last-minute shopping list.

Looking forward to playing a little soccer this afternoon with Amanda!

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Vulnerable, I Don’t Like It

Authenticity, to me, is like three servings of vegetables a day.  It’s like flossing, or waking up early to work out.  I like the idea of all these things.  But in reality, they make me extremely uncomfortable.  I am often not willing to go through the unpleasantness.

There are no short cuts to these things either.  A daily, chewable grape-flavored vitamin does not do for me what a plate of asparagus and spinach does.  Flossing twice a year right before a dentist appointment fools no one, least of all my dentist.  No amount of good intentions or wishing to be in shape actually enables me to run around the block without getting winded.  There is no authenticity without the scariness of vulnerability.

In about a week, I’ll begin summer project.  One of my jobs is to lead a group of young women in sharing our life stories.  I’ll go first and will set the tone for the rest of the group by how open and honest I am with them.  Anticipating this, I am left staring at the gap that exists between liking an idea and having the courage to act.

So much of my life change has occurred because others were open with me.  My most meaningful relationships are with those characterized by uninhibited honesty.  Sharing life stories can be a time when Jesus breaks apart the powerful lie that I am the only one struggling with something.  Shame and fear of discovery are banished in the light of authentic community.  I don’t want to stand in the way of what God can do through this opportunity.  If you’re reading, pray that God would help me to be vulnerable.  Pray I would resist the urge to make a name for myself, and instead share the glory of the gospel in my life.

“The gospel is that you are more sinful and flawed than you ever dared believe yet can be more accepted and loved than you ever dared hope because Jesus Christ lived and died in your place.”
-Tim Keller

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First Look

My first look at Long Beach, CA…

The Pacific

Second Street, where I enjoyed my first Lebanese lunch

the pound of coffee I purchased here is sitting beside me because it smells so good!

note the kites, how lovely

my travel buddy

More to come later.  I’m so thankful to have made this trip and can’t wait to move here, but it’s very surreal.  California actually exists and will be my home in less than two months.

P.S. Yes, I did have my first In-N-Out burger. 🙂

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